Thursday, September 13, 2007

Some cool magic videos

I just decided to put up some good flourishy fancy magic videos on here for you to check out.

This is cool with phones haha.

Nice Trilogy Preview Showing the Crazy Stuff On It.

Haha, If You Like Cardistry Watch This!

Chris Kenner, Jeopardy Spoof.


First post!

Hey guys, welcome to my very first blog!
This is my magic blog, so I'll keep you updated with reviews, opinions, and maybe some easy tutorials!

Well, I'll start off by saying that I've been into magic for around 7 years, but only 8 months seriously, so I'm kinda new.
My main focus is card magic, but I'll do anything I think is worth the practice/money I have to put into it.
I own Silver Dream by Justin Miller, Real Secrets of Magic by David Stone, Royal Road to Card magic, I don't know who that's by, and various other books/DVDs. (The trilogy by Dan and Dave Buck.)

My accounts on Theory11 and Ellusionist forums are "Lionsden123" so you can always PM me on there.

Well now I gotta think about what to post next...
